Command Archon RF Online
Hai teman-teman pecinta game RF Online, kali ini saya akan memberikan informasi tentang Command Archon / Council / Ketua Guild. Sebenarnya sudah pada banyak yang tahu tentang tombol-tombol ini ketika menjadi dewan apalagi yang udah langganan menjabat sebagai dewan. Artikel ini hanya referensi aja bagi yang ingin jadi dewan / baru menjabat
Berikut adalah Command untuk para Archon dan Wakil Archon dan Ketua Guild.
//dye = Pewarnaan (Archon and sub)
Archon dan Warchon Power Command :
//archonpower 1 aktifkan
//archonpower 0 non aktifkan
//subarchonpower 1 aktifkan
//subarchonpower 0 non aktifkan
@restraint 1 nick alasan = banned chat
@restraint 2 nick alasan = bounty
- 1 = Chat ban ( idak bisa chat)
- 2 = Flagged as a criminal (bisa diserang walaupun di race yang sama)
- 3 = Party ban (tidak bisa bergabung dengan party)
Archon dan Warchon Chat Biru :
/race : archon command
/vote buat voting bangsa dr archon
$leader buat bikin notice archon
$Archon name comment - Archon Greetings message
/race : archon command
/vote buat voting bangsa dr archon
$leader buat bikin notice archon
$Archon name comment - Archon Greetings message
$guild name comment - Guild Leaders greeting message
- shift + Tab buat munculin toolbar tempat nulis command yang mo dimunculkan dilayar
- shift + 1 .. dst buat nampilin command yang muncul dilayar
/rep = Guild Leaders, Consul, Councils and Archon (blue)
/race = Archon and Councils addressing the race (blue green)
/leader = Archon and Councils personal chat (pink) [previously was /archon
during Crimson dawn but is not working currently, there may be a new
(?) = Archon's introductory message/notice whenever
players login this is the first thing that they see [previously was
$race(space)Archon's Name(space)Message]
/rep = Guild Leaders, Consul, Councils and Archon (blue)
/race = Archon and Councils addressing the race (blue green)
/leader = Archon and Councils personal chat (pink) [previously was /archon
during Crimson dawn but is not working currently, there may be a new
(?) = Archon's introductory message/notice whenever
players login this is the first thing that they see [previously was
$race(space)Archon's Name(space)Message]
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